Worldline Acquiring Python SDK


The Python SDK helps you to communicate with the Worldline Acquiring API. Its primary features are:

  • convenient Python library for the API calls and responses

    • marshals Python request objects to HTTP requests

    • unmarshals HTTP responses to Python response objects or Python exceptions

  • handling of all the details concerning authentication

  • handling of required metadata

See the Worldline Acquiring Documentation for more information on how to use the SDK.

Structure of this repository

This repository consists out of four main components:

  1. The source code of the SDK itself: /worldline/acquiring/sdk/

  2. The source code of the SDK unit tests: /tests/unit/

  3. The source code of the SDK integration tests: /tests/integration/

Note that the source code of the unit tests and integration tests can only be found on GitHub.


Python 3.7 or higher is required. In addition, the following packages are required:

These packages will be installed automatically if the SDK is installed manually or using pip following the below instructions.


To install the SDK using pip, execute the following command:

pip install acquiring-sdk-python

Alternatively, you can install the SDK from a source distribution file:

  1. Download the latest version of the Python SDK from GitHub. Choose the file from the releases page, where x.y.z is the version number.

  2. Execute the following command in the folder where the SDK was downloaded to:

    pip install


After the Python SDK has been installed, it can be uninstalled using the following command:

pip uninstall acquiring-sdk-python

The required packages can be uninstalled in the same way.

Running tests

There are two types of tests: unit tests and integration tests. The unit tests will work out-of-the-box; for the integration tests some configuration is required. First, some environment variables need to be set:

  • acquiring.api.oauth2.clientId for the OAUth2 client id to use.

  • acquiring.api.oauth2.clientSecret for the OAuth2 client secret to use.

  • acquiring.api.merchantId for your merchant ID.

In addition, to run the proxy integration tests, the proxy URI, username and password should be set in the tests/resources/configuration.proxy.ini file.

In order to run the unit and integration tests, the mock backport and mockito are required. These can be installed using the following command:

pip install mock mockito

The following commands can now be executed from the tests directory to execute the tests:

  • Unit tests:

  • Integration tests:

  • Both unit and integration tests:


API Reference

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.api_resource.ApiResource(parent: ApiResource | None = None, communicator: Communicator | None = None, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Base class of all Worldline Acquiring platform API resources.

__init__(parent: ApiResource | None = None, communicator: Communicator | None = None, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None = None)[source]

The parent and/or communicator must be given.

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.call_context.CallContext[source]

Bases: object

A call context can be used to send extra information with a request, and to receive extra information from a response.

Please note that this class is not thread-safe. Each request should get its own call context instance.

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.client.Client(communicator: Communicator)[source]

Bases: ApiResource, LoggingCapable, ObfuscationCapable

Worldline Acquiring platform client.


__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {}
__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)[source]
__init__(communicator: Communicator)[source]


close() None[source]

Releases any system resources associated with this object.

close_expired_connections() None[source]

Utility method that delegates the call to this client’s communicator.

close_idle_connections(idle_time: timedelta) None[source]

Utility method that delegates the call to this client’s communicator.


idle_time – a datetime.timedelta object indicating the idle time

disable_logging() None[source]

Turns off logging.

enable_logging(communicator_logger: CommunicatorLogger) None[source]

Turns on logging using the given communicator logger.


ValueError – If the given communicator logger is None.

set_body_obfuscator(body_obfuscator: BodyObfuscator) None[source]

Sets the current body obfuscator to use.

set_header_obfuscator(header_obfuscator: HeaderObfuscator) None[source]

Sets the current header obfuscator to use.

v1() V1Client[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.communicator.Communicator(api_endpoint: str | ParseResult, connection: Connection, authenticator: Authenticator, metadata_provider: MetadataProvider, marshaller: Marshaller)[source]

Bases: LoggingCapable, ObfuscationCapable

Used to communicate with the Worldline Acquiring platform web services.

It contains all the logic to transform a request object to an HTTP request and an HTTP response to a response object.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {}
__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)[source]
close() None[source]

Releases any system resources associated with this object.

close_expired_connections() None[source]

Utility method that delegates the call to this communicator’s connection if that’s an instance of PooledConnection. If not this method does nothing.

close_idle_connections(idle_time: timedelta) None[source]

Utility method that delegates the call to this communicator’s connection if that’s an instance of PooledConnection. If not this method does nothing.


idle_time – a datetime.timedelta object indicating the idle time

delete(relative_path: str, request_headers: List[RequestHeader] | None, request_parameters: ParamRequest | None, response_type: Type[T], context: CallContext | None) T[source]

Corresponds to the HTTP DELETE method.

  • relative_path – The path to call, relative to the base URI.

  • request_headers – An optional list of request headers.

  • request_parameters – An optional set of request parameters.

  • response_type – The type of response to return.

  • context – The optional call context to use.

  • CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Acquiring platform

  • ResponseException – when an error response was received from the Worldline Acquiring platform

delete_with_binary_response(relative_path: str, request_headers: List[RequestHeader] | None, request_parameters: ParamRequest | None, context: CallContext | None) Tuple[Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]][source]

Corresponds to the HTTP DELETE method.

  • relative_path – The path to call, relative to the base URI.

  • request_headers – An optional list of request headers.

  • request_parameters – An optional set of request parameters.

  • context – The optional call context to use.

  • CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Acquiring platform

  • ResponseException – when an error response was received from the Worldline Acquiring platform

disable_logging() None[source]

Turns off logging.

enable_logging(communicator_logger: CommunicatorLogger) None[source]

Turns on logging using the given communicator logger.


ValueError – If the given communicator logger is None.

get(relative_path: str, request_headers: List[RequestHeader] | None, request_parameters: ParamRequest | None, response_type: Type[T], context: CallContext | None) T[source]

Corresponds to the HTTP GET method.

  • relative_path – The path to call, relative to the base URI.

  • request_headers – An optional list of request headers.

  • request_parameters – An optional set of request parameters.

  • response_type – The type of response to return.

  • context – The optional call context to use.

  • CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Acquiring platform

  • ResponseException – when an error response was received from the Worldline Acquiring platform

get_with_binary_response(relative_path: str, request_headers: List[RequestHeader] | None, request_parameters: ParamRequest | None, context: CallContext | None) Tuple[Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]][source]

Corresponds to the HTTP GET method.

  • relative_path – The path to call, relative to the base URI.

  • request_headers – An optional list of request headers.

  • request_parameters – An optional set of request parameters.

  • context – The optional call context to use.

  • CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Acquiring platform

  • ResponseException – when an error response was received from the Worldline Acquiring platform

property marshaller: Marshaller

The Marshaller object associated with this communicator. Never None.

post(relative_path: str, request_headers: List[RequestHeader] | None, request_parameters: ParamRequest | None, request_body: Any, response_type: Type[T], context: CallContext | None) T[source]

Corresponds to the HTTP POST method.

  • relative_path – The path to call, relative to the base URI.

  • request_headers – An optional list of request headers.

  • request_parameters – An optional set of request parameters.

  • request_body – The optional request body to send.

  • response_type – The type of response to return.

  • context – The optional call context to use.

  • CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Acquiring platform

  • ResponseException – when an error response was received from the Worldline Acquiring platform

post_with_binary_response(relative_path: str, request_headers: List[RequestHeader] | None, request_parameters: ParamRequest | None, request_body: Any, context: CallContext | None) Tuple[Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]][source]

Corresponds to the HTTP POST method.

  • relative_path – The path to call, relative to the base URI.

  • request_headers – An optional list of request headers.

  • request_parameters – An optional set of request parameters.

  • request_body – The optional request body to send.

  • context – The optional call context to use.

  • CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Acquiring platform

  • ResponseException – when an error response was received from the Worldline Acquiring platform

put(relative_path: str, request_headers: List[RequestHeader] | None, request_parameters: ParamRequest | None, request_body: Any, response_type: Type[T], context: CallContext | None) T[source]

Corresponds to the HTTP PUT method.

  • relative_path – The path to call, relative to the base URI.

  • request_headers – An optional list of request headers.

  • request_parameters – An optional set of request parameters.

  • request_body – The optional request body to send.

  • response_type – The type of response to return.

  • context – The optional call context to use.

  • CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Acquiring platform

  • ResponseException – when an error response was received from the Worldline Acquiring platform

put_with_binary_response(relative_path: str, request_headers: List[RequestHeader] | None, request_parameters: ParamRequest | None, request_body: Any, context: CallContext | None) Tuple[Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]][source]

Corresponds to the HTTP PUT method.

  • relative_path – The path to call, relative to the base URI.

  • request_headers – An optional list of request headers.

  • request_parameters – An optional set of request parameters.

  • request_body – The optional request body to send.

  • context – The optional call context to use.

  • CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Acquiring platform

  • ResponseException – when an error response was received from the Worldline Acquiring platform

set_body_obfuscator(body_obfuscator: BodyObfuscator) None[source]

Sets the current body obfuscator to use.

set_header_obfuscator(header_obfuscator: HeaderObfuscator) None[source]

Sets the current header obfuscator to use.

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.communicator_configuration.CommunicatorConfiguration(properties: ConfigParser | None = None, api_endpoint: str | ParseResult | None = None, authorization_id: str | None = None, authorization_secret: str | None = None, oauth2_client_id: str | None = None, oauth2_client_secret: str | None = None, oauth2_token_uri: str | None = None, authorization_type: str | None = None, connect_timeout: int | None = None, socket_timeout: int | None = None, max_connections: int | None = None, proxy_configuration: ProxyConfiguration | None = None, integrator: str | None = None, shopping_cart_extension: ShoppingCartExtension | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Configuration for the communicator.

__annotations__ = {'_CommunicatorConfiguration__api_endpoint': typing.Optional[urllib.parse.ParseResult], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__authorization_id': typing.Optional[str], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__authorization_secret': typing.Optional[str], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__authorization_type': typing.Optional[str], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__connect_timeout': typing.Optional[int], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__integrator': typing.Optional[str], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__max_connections': typing.Optional[int], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__oauth2_token_uri': typing.Optional[str], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__proxy_configuration': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.proxy_configuration.ProxyConfiguration], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__shopping_cart_extension': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.domain.shopping_cart_extension.ShoppingCartExtension], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__socket_timeout': typing.Optional[int], '__api_endpoint': 'Optional[ParseResult]', '__authorization_id': 'Optional[str]', '__authorization_secret': 'Optional[str]', '__authorization_type': 'Optional[str]', '__connect_timeout': 'Optional[int]', '__integrator': 'Optional[str]', '__max_connections': 'Optional[int]', '__oauth2_token_uri': 'Optional[str]', '__proxy_configuration': 'Optional[ProxyConfiguration]', '__shopping_cart_extension': 'Optional[ShoppingCartExtension]', '__socket_timeout': 'Optional[int]'}
__init__(properties: ConfigParser | None = None, api_endpoint: str | ParseResult | None = None, authorization_id: str | None = None, authorization_secret: str | None = None, oauth2_client_id: str | None = None, oauth2_client_secret: str | None = None, oauth2_token_uri: str | None = None, authorization_type: str | None = None, connect_timeout: int | None = None, socket_timeout: int | None = None, max_connections: int | None = None, proxy_configuration: ProxyConfiguration | None = None, integrator: str | None = None, shopping_cart_extension: ShoppingCartExtension | None = None)[source]
  • properties – a ConfigParser.ConfigParser object containing configuration data

  • connect_timeout – connection timeout for the network communication in seconds

  • socket_timeout – socket timeout for the network communication in seconds

  • max_connections – The maximum number of connections in the connection pool

property api_endpoint: ParseResult | None

The Worldline Acquiring platform API endpoint URI.

property authorization_id: str | None

An id used for authorization. The meaning of this id is different for each authorization type. For instance, for OAuth2 this is the client id.

property authorization_secret: str | None

A secret used for authorization. The meaning of this secret is different for each authorization type. For instance, for OAuth2 this is the client secret.

property authorization_type: str | None
property connect_timeout: int | None

Connection timeout for the underlying network communication in seconds

property integrator: str | None
property max_connections: int | None
property oauth2_client_id: str | None

The OAuth2 client id.

This property is an alias for authorization_id

property oauth2_client_secret: str | None

The OAuth2 client secret.

This property is an alias for authorization_secret

property oauth2_token_uri: str | None
property proxy_configuration: ProxyConfiguration | None
property shopping_cart_extension: ShoppingCartExtension | None
property socket_timeout: int | None

Socket timeout for the underlying network communication in seconds

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.factory.Factory[source]

Bases: object

Worldline Acquiring platform factory for several SDK components.

static create_client_from_communicator(communicator: Communicator) Client[source]

Create a Client based on the settings stored in the Communicator argument

static create_client_from_configuration(communicator_configuration: CommunicatorConfiguration, metadata_provider: MetadataProvider | None = None, connection: Connection | None = None, authenticator: Authenticator | None = None, marshaller: Marshaller | None = None) Client[source]

Create a Client based on the configuration stored in the CommunicatorConfiguration argument

static create_client_from_file(configuration_file_name: str | bytes, authorization_id: str, authorization_secret: str, metadata_provider: MetadataProvider | None = None, connection: Connection | None = None, authenticator: Authenticator | None = None, marshaller: Marshaller | None = None) Client[source]

Creates a Client based on the configuration values in configuration_file_name, authorization_id and authorization_secret.

static create_communicator_from_configuration(communicator_configuration: CommunicatorConfiguration, metadata_provider: MetadataProvider | None = None, connection: Connection | None = None, authenticator: Authenticator | None = None, marshaller: Marshaller | None = None) Communicator[source]

Creates a Communicator based on the configuration stored in the CommunicatorConfiguration argument

static create_communicator_from_file(configuration_file_name: str | bytes, authorization_id: str, authorization_secret: str, metadata_provider: MetadataProvider | None = None, connection: Connection | None = None, authenticator: Authenticator | None = None, marshaller: Marshaller | None = None) Communicator[source]

Creates a Communicator based on the configuration values in configuration_file_name, api_id_key and authorization_secret.

static create_configuration(configuration_file_name: str | bytes, authorization_id: str, authorization_secret: str) CommunicatorConfiguration[source]

Creates a CommunicatorConfiguration based on the configuration values in configuration_file_name, authorization_id and authorization_secret.

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.proxy_configuration.ProxyConfiguration(host: str, port: int, scheme: str = 'http', username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

HTTP proxy configuration.

Can be initialised directly from a host and port or can be constructed from a uri using fromuri


Return a proxy string in the form scheme://username:password@host:port or scheme://host:port if authentication is absent

Supports HTTP Basic Auth

static from_uri(uri: str, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None) ProxyConfiguration[source]

Constructs a ProxyConfiguration from a URI; if username and/or password are given they will be used instead of corresponding data in the URI

property host: str
property password: str | None
property port: int
property scheme: str
property username: str | None
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.authentication.authenticator.Authenticator[source]

Bases: ABC

Used to authenticate requests to the Worldline Acquiring platform.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'get_authorization'})
__annotations__ = {}
abstractmethod get_authorization(http_method: str, resource_uri: ParseResult, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader] | None) str[source]

Returns a value that can be used for the “Authorization” header.

  • http_method – The HTTP method.

  • resource_uri – The URI of the resource.

  • request_headers – A sequence of RequestHeaders. This sequence may not be modified and may not contain headers with the same name.

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.authentication.authorization_type.AuthorizationType[source]

Bases: object

OAUTH2 = 'OAuth2'
static get_authorization(name: str) str[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.authentication.oauth2_authenticator.OAuth2Authenticator(communicator_configuration: CommunicatorConfiguration)[source]

Bases: Authenticator

OAuth2 Authenticator implementation.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {}
__init__(communicator_configuration: CommunicatorConfiguration)[source]

Constructs a new OAuth2Authenticator instance using the provided CommunicatorConfiguration.


communicator_configuration – The configuration object containing the OAuth2 client id, client secret and token URI, connection timeout, and socket timeout. None of these can be None or empty, and the timeout values must be positive.

get_authorization(http_method: str | None, resource_uri: ParseResult | None, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader] | None) str[source]

Returns a value that can be used for the “Authorization” header.

  • http_method – The HTTP method.

  • resource_uri – The URI of the resource.

  • request_headers – A sequence of RequestHeaders. This sequence may not be modified and may not contain headers with the same name.

get_token_type(path: str)[source]
exception worldline.acquiring.sdk.authentication.oauth2_exception.OAuth2Exception(message: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: RuntimeError

Indicates an exception regarding the authorization with the Worldline OAuth2 Authorization Server.

exception worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.communication_exception.CommunicationException(exception: Exception)[source]

Bases: RuntimeError

Indicates an exception regarding the communication with the Worldline Acquiring platform such as a connection exception.

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.connection.Connection[source]

Bases: LoggingCapable, ObfuscationCapable, ABC

Represents a connection to the Worldline Acquiring platform server.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'delete', 'disable_logging', 'enable_logging', 'get', 'post', 'put', 'set_body_obfuscator', 'set_header_obfuscator'})
__annotations__ = {}
close() None[source]

Releases any system resources associated with this object.

abstractmethod delete(url: str | ParseResult, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader]) Tuple[int, Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]][source]

Send a DELETE request to the Worldline Acquiring platform and return the response.

  • url – The URI to call, including any necessary query parameters.

  • request_headers – An optional sequence of request headers.


The response from the Worldline Acquiring platform as a tuple with the status code, headers and a generator of body chunks


CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Acquiring platform

abstractmethod get(url: str | ParseResult, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader]) Tuple[int, Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]][source]

Send a GET request to the Worldline Acquiring platform and return the response.

  • url – The URI to call, including any necessary query parameters.

  • request_headers – An optional sequence of request headers.


The response from the Worldline Acquiring platform as a tuple with the status code, headers and a generator of body chunks


CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Acquiring platform

abstractmethod post(url: str | ParseResult, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader], body: str | MultipartFormDataObject | None) Tuple[int, Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]][source]

Send a POST request to the Worldline Acquiring platform and return the response.

  • url – The URI to call, including any necessary query parameters.

  • request_headers – An optional sequence of request headers.

  • body – The optional body to send.


The response from the Worldline Acquiring platform as a tuple with the status code, headers and a generator of body chunks


CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Acquiring platform

abstractmethod put(url: str | ParseResult, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader], body: str | MultipartFormDataObject | None) Tuple[int, Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]][source]

Send a PUT request to the Worldline Acquiring platform and return the response.

  • url – The URI to call, including any necessary query parameters.

  • request_headers – An optional sequence of request headers.

  • body – The optional body to send.


The response from the Worldline Acquiring platform as a tuple with the status code, headers and a generator of body chunks


CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Acquiring platform

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.default_connection.DefaultConnection(connect_timeout: int, socket_timeout: int, max_connections: int = 10, proxy_configuration: ProxyConfiguration | None = None)[source]

Bases: PooledConnection

Provides an HTTP request interface, thread-safe

  • connect_timeout – timeout in seconds before a pending connection is dropped

  • socket_timeout – timeout in seconds before dropping an established connection. This is the time the server is allowed for a response

  • max_connections – the maximum number of connections in the connection pool

  • proxy_configuration – ProxyConfiguration object that contains data about proxy settings if present. It should be writeable as string and have a scheme attribute.

Use the methods get, delete, post and put to perform the corresponding HTTP request. Alternatively you can use request with the request method as the first parameter.

URI, headers and body should be given on a per-request basis.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {}
__exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb)[source]
close() None[source]

Explicitly closes the connection

close_expired_connections() None[source]

Closes all expired HTTP connections.

close_idle_connections(idle_time: timedelta) None[source]

idle_time – a datetime.timedelta object indicating the idle time

property connect_timeout: int | None

Connection timeout in seconds

delete(url: str | ParseResult, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader]) Tuple[int, Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]][source]

Perform a request to the server given by url

  • url – the url to the server, given as a parsed url

  • request_headers – a sequence containing RequestHeader objects representing the request headers

disable_logging() None[source]

Turns off logging.

enable_logging(communicator_logger: CommunicatorLogger) None[source]

Turns on logging using the given communicator logger.


ValueError – If the given communicator logger is None.

get(url: str | ParseResult, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader]) Tuple[int, Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]][source]

Perform a request to the server given by url

  • url – the url to the server, given as a parsed url

  • request_headers – a sequence containing RequestHeader objects representing the request headers

post(url: str | ParseResult, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader], body: str | MultipartFormDataObject | None) Tuple[int, Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]][source]

Perform a request to the server given by url

  • url – the url to the server, given as a parsed url

  • request_headers – a sequence containing RequestHeader objects representing the request headers

  • body – the request body

put(url: str | ParseResult, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader], body: str | MultipartFormDataObject | None) Tuple[int, Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]][source]

Perform a request to the server given by url

  • url – the url to the server, given as a parsed url

  • request_headers – a sequence containing RequestHeader objects representing the request headers

  • body – the request body

set_body_obfuscator(body_obfuscator: BodyObfuscator) None[source]

Sets the current body obfuscator to use.

set_header_obfuscator(header_obfuscator: HeaderObfuscator) None[source]

Sets the current header obfuscator to use.

property socket_timeout: int | None

Socket timeout in seconds

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.metadata_provider.MetadataProvider(integrator: str | None, shopping_cart_extension: ShoppingCartExtension | None = None, additional_request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader] | None = ())[source]

Bases: object

Provides meta info about the server.

__annotations__ = {'_MetadataProvider__metadata_headers': typing.Sequence[worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.request_header.RequestHeader]}
property metadata_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader]

The server related headers containing the metadata to be associated with the request (if any). This will always contain at least an automatically generated header X-WL-ServerMetaInfo.

prohibited_headers = ('Authorization', 'Content-Type', 'Date', 'X-WL-ServerMetaInfo')
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.multipart_form_data_object.MultipartFormDataObject[source]

Bases: object

A representation of a multipart/form-data object.

add_file(parameter_name: str, uploadable_file: UploadableFile) None[source]
add_value(parameter_name: str, value: str) None[source]
property boundary: str
property content_type: str
property files: Mapping[str, UploadableFile]
property values: Mapping[str, str]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.multipart_form_data_request.MultipartFormDataRequest[source]

Bases: ABC

A representation of a multipart/form-data request.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'to_multipart_form_data_object'})
__annotations__ = {}
abstractmethod to_multipart_form_data_object() MultipartFormDataObject[source]


exception worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.not_found_exception.NotFoundException(exception: Exception, message: str)[source]

Bases: RuntimeError

Indicates an exception that occurs when the requested resource is not found. In normal usage of the SDK, this exception should not occur, however it is possible. For example when path parameters are set with invalid values.

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.param_request.ParamRequest[source]

Bases: ABC

Represents a set of request parameters.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'to_request_parameters'})
__annotations__ = {}
abstractmethod to_request_parameters() List[RequestParam][source]

list[worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.RequestParam] representing the HTTP request parameters

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.pooled_connection.PooledConnection[source]

Bases: Connection, ABC

Represents a pooled connection to the Worldline Acquiring platform server. Instead of setting up a new HTTP connection for each request, this connection uses a pool of HTTP connections.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'close_expired_connections', 'close_idle_connections', 'delete', 'disable_logging', 'enable_logging', 'get', 'post', 'put', 'set_body_obfuscator', 'set_header_obfuscator'})
__annotations__ = {}
abstractmethod close_expired_connections() None[source]

Closes all expired HTTP connections.

abstractmethod close_idle_connections(idle_time: timedelta) None[source]

Closes all HTTP connections that have been idle for the specified time. This should also include all expired HTTP connections.


idle_time – a datetime.timedelta object indicating the idle time

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.request_header.RequestHeader(name: str, value: str | None)[source]

Bases: object

A single request header. Immutable.

property name: str

The header name.

property value: str | None

The un-encoded value.

worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.request_header.get_header(headers: Sequence[RequestHeader] | Mapping[str, str] | None, header_name: str) RequestHeader | None[source]

The header with the given name, or None if there was no such header.

worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.request_header.get_header_value(headers: Sequence[RequestHeader] | Mapping[str, str] | None, header_name: str) str | None[source]

The value of the header with the given name, or None if there was no such header.

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.request_param.RequestParam(name: str, value: str | None)[source]

Bases: object

A single request parameter. Immutable.

property name: str

The parameter name.

property value: str | None

The un-encoded value.

exception worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.response_exception.ResponseException(status: int, body: str | None, headers: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]

Bases: RuntimeError

Thrown when a response was received from the Worldline Acquiring platform which indicates an error.

property body: str | None

The raw response body that was returned by the Worldline Acquiring platform.

get_header(header_name: str) Tuple[str, str] | None[source]

The header with the given name, or None if there was no such header.

get_header_value(header_name: str) str | None[source]

The value header with the given name, or None if there was no such header.

property headers: Mapping[str, str]

The headers that were returned by the Worldline Acquiring platform. Never None.

property status_code: int

The HTTP status code that was returned by the Worldline Acquiring platform.

worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.response_header.get_disposition_filename(headers: Mapping[str, str] | None) str | None[source]

The value of the filename parameter of the Content-Disposition header, or None if there was no such header or parameter.

worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.response_header.get_header(headers: Mapping[str, str] | None, header_name: str) Tuple[str, str] | None[source]

The header with the given name as a tuple with the name and value, or None if there was no such header.

worldline.acquiring.sdk.communication.response_header.get_header_value(headers: Mapping[str, str] | None, header_name: str) str | None[source]

The value of the header with the given name, or None if there was no such header.

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.domain.data_object.DataObject[source]

Bases: object

static format_date(d: date) str[source]
static format_datetime(dt: datetime) str[source]
from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) DataObject[source]
static parse_date(s: str) date[source]
static parse_datetime(s: str) datetime[source]
to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.domain.shopping_cart_extension.ShoppingCartExtension(creator: str, name: str, version: str, extension_id: str | None = None)[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {}
static create_from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ShoppingCartExtension[source]
property creator: str
property extension_id: str | None
from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ShoppingCartExtension[source]
property name: str
to_dictionary() dict[source]
property version: str
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.domain.uploadable_file.UploadableFile(file_name: str, content: Any, content_type: str, content_length: int = -1)[source]

Bases: object

A file that can be uploaded.

The allowed forms of content are defined by the Connection implementation. The default implementation supports strings, file descriptors and io.BytesIO objects.

property content: Any

The file’s content.

property content_length: int

The file’s content length, or -1 if not known.

property content_type: str

The file’s content type.

property file_name: str

The name of the file.

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.json.default_marshaller.DefaultMarshaller[source]

Bases: Marshaller

Marshaller implementation based on json.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {}
static instance() DefaultMarshaller[source]
marshal(request_object: Any) str[source]

Marshal a request object to a JSON string.


request_object – the object to marshal into a serialized JSON string


the serialized JSON string of the request_object

unmarshal(response_json: str | bytes | None, type_class: Type[T]) T[source]

Unmarshal a JSON string to a response object.

  • response_json – the json body that should be unmarshalled

  • type_class – The class to which the response_json should be unmarshalled


MarshallerSyntaxException – if the JSON is not a valid representation for an object of the given type

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.json.marshaller.Marshaller[source]

Bases: ABC

Used to marshal and unmarshal Worldline Acquiring platform request and response objects to and from JSON.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'marshal', 'unmarshal'})
__annotations__ = {}
abstractmethod marshal(request_object: Any) str[source]

Marshal a request object to a JSON string.


request_object – the object to marshal into a serialized JSON string


the serialized JSON string of the request_object

abstractmethod unmarshal(response_json: str | bytes | None, type_class: Type[T]) T | None[source]

Unmarshal a JSON string to a response object.

  • response_json – the json body that should be unmarshalled

  • type_class – The class to which the response_json should be unmarshalled


MarshallerSyntaxException – if the JSON is not a valid representation for an object of the given type

exception worldline.acquiring.sdk.json.marshaller_syntax_exception.MarshallerSyntaxException(cause: Exception | None = None)[source]

Bases: RuntimeError

Thrown when a JSON string cannot be converted to a response object.

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.body_obfuscator.BodyObfuscator(additional_rules: Mapping[str, Callable[[str], str]] | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

A class that can be used to obfuscate properties in JSON bodies.

__annotations__ = {'_BodyObfuscator__obfuscation_rules': typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable[[str], str]], '_BodyObfuscator__property_pattern': typing.Pattern[~AnyStr]}
__init__(additional_rules: Mapping[str, Callable[[str], str]] | None = None)[source]

Creates a new body obfuscator. This will contain some pre-defined obfuscation rules, as well as any provided custom rules


additional_rules – An optional mapping from property names to obfuscation rules, where an obfuscation rule is a function that obfuscates a single string,

static default_body_obfuscator() BodyObfuscator[source]
obfuscate_body(body: str | bytes | None, charset: str | None = None) str | None[source]

Obfuscates the body from the given stream as necessary. :param body: The body to obfuscate, as string or bytes. :param charset: The charset to use to read the body bytes.

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.communicator_logger.CommunicatorLogger[source]

Bases: ABC

Used to log messages from communicators.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'log'})
__annotations__ = {}
abstractmethod log(message: str, thrown: Exception | None = None) None[source]

Logs a throwable with an accompanying message.

  • message – The message accompanying the throwable.

  • thrown – The throwable to log.

log_request(request_log_message: RequestLogMessage) None[source]

Logs a request message object

log_response(response_log_message: ResponseLogMessage) None[source]

Logs a response message object

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.header_obfuscator.HeaderObfuscator(additional_rules: Mapping[str, Callable[[str], str]] | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

A class that can be used to obfuscate headers.

__annotations__ = {'_HeaderObfuscator__obfuscation_rules': typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable[[str], str]]}
__init__(additional_rules: Mapping[str, Callable[[str], str]] | None = None)[source]

Creates a new header obfuscator. This will contain some pre-defined obfuscation rules, as well as any provided custom rules


additional_rules – An optional mapping from property names to obfuscation rules, where an obfuscation rule is a function that obfuscates a single string,

static default_header_obfuscator() HeaderObfuscator[source]
obfuscate_header(header_name: str, value: str) str[source]

Obfuscates the value for the given header as necessary.

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.log_message.LogMessage(request_id: str, body_obfuscator: ~worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.body_obfuscator.BodyObfuscator = <worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.body_obfuscator.BodyObfuscator object>, header_obfuscator: ~worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.header_obfuscator.HeaderObfuscator = <worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.header_obfuscator.HeaderObfuscator object>)[source]

Bases: ABC

A utility class to build log messages.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'get_message'})
__annotations__ = {'_LogMessage__body': typing.Optional[str], '_LogMessage__body_obfuscator': <class 'worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.body_obfuscator.BodyObfuscator'>, '_LogMessage__content_type': typing.Optional[str], '_LogMessage__header_list': typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str]], '_LogMessage__header_obfuscator': <class 'worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.header_obfuscator.HeaderObfuscator'>, '_LogMessage__headers': <class 'str'>, '_LogMessage__request_id': <class 'str'>, '__body': 'Optional[str]', '__body_obfuscator': 'BodyObfuscator', '__content_type': 'Optional[str]', '__header_list': 'List[Tuple[str, str]]', '__header_obfuscator': 'HeaderObfuscator', '__headers': 'str', '__request_id': 'str'}
add_header(name: str, value: str | None) None[source]
property body: str | None
property content_type: str | None
static empty_if_none(value: str | None) str[source]
get_header_list() Sequence[Tuple[str, str]][source]
abstractmethod get_message() str[source]
property headers: str
property request_id: str
set_binary_body(content_type: str | None) None[source]
set_body(body: str | bytes | None, content_type: str | None, charset: str | None = None) None[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.logging_capable.LoggingCapable[source]

Bases: ABC

Classes that extend this class have support for log messages from communicators.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'disable_logging', 'enable_logging'})
__annotations__ = {}
abstractmethod disable_logging() None[source]

Turns off logging.

abstractmethod enable_logging(communicator_logger: CommunicatorLogger) None[source]

Turns on logging using the given communicator logger.


ValueError – If the given communicator logger is None.

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.obfuscation_capable.ObfuscationCapable[source]

Bases: ABC

Classes that extend this class support obfuscating bodies and headers.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'set_body_obfuscator', 'set_header_obfuscator'})
__annotations__ = {}
abstractmethod set_body_obfuscator(body_obfuscator: BodyObfuscator) None[source]

Sets the current body obfuscator to use.

abstractmethod set_header_obfuscator(header_obfuscator: HeaderObfuscator) None[source]

Sets the current header obfuscator to use.

worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.obfuscation_rule.obfuscate_all() Callable[[str], str][source]

Returns an obfuscation rule (function) that will replace all characters with *

worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.obfuscation_rule.obfuscate_all_but_first(count: int) Callable[[str], str][source]

Returns an obfuscation rule (function) that will keep a fixed number of characters at the start, then replaces all other characters with *

worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.obfuscation_rule.obfuscate_all_but_last(count: int) Callable[[str], str][source]

Returns an obfuscation rule that will keep a fixed number of characters at the end, then replaces all other characters with *

worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.obfuscation_rule.obfuscate_with_fixed_length(fixed_length: int) Callable[[str], str][source]

Returns an obfuscation rule (function) that will replace values with a fixed length string containing only *

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.python_communicator_logger.PythonCommunicatorLogger(logger: Logger, log_level: int, error_log_level: int | None = None)[source]

Bases: CommunicatorLogger

A communicator logger that is backed by the log library.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {}
__init__(logger: Logger, log_level: int, error_log_level: int | None = None)[source]

Logs messages to the argument logger using the argument log_level. If absent, the error_log_level will be equal to the log_level. Note that if the CommunicatorLogger’s log level is lower than the argument logger’s log level (e.g. the CommunicatorLogger is given log.INFO as level and the argument logger has a level of log.WARNING), then nothing will be logged to the logger.

  • logger – the logger to log to

  • log_level – the log level that will be used for non-error messages logged via the CommunicatorLogger

  • error_log_level – the log level that will be used for error messages logged via the CommunicatorLogger.

log(message: str, thrown: Exception | None = None) None[source]

Log a message to the underlying logger. If thrown is absent, the message will be logged with the CommunicatorLogger’s log_level, if a thrown object is provided, the message and exception will be logged with the CommunicatorLogger’s error_log_level.

  • message – the message to be logged

  • thrown – an optional throwable object

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.request_log_message.RequestLogMessage(request_id: str, method: str, uri: str, body_obfuscator: ~worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.body_obfuscator.BodyObfuscator = <worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.body_obfuscator.BodyObfuscator object>, header_obfuscator: ~worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.header_obfuscator.HeaderObfuscator = <worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.header_obfuscator.HeaderObfuscator object>)[source]

Bases: LogMessage

A utility class to build request log messages.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__body': 'Optional[str]', '__body_obfuscator': 'BodyObfuscator', '__content_type': 'Optional[str]', '__header_list': 'List[Tuple[str, str]]', '__header_obfuscator': 'HeaderObfuscator', '__headers': 'str', '__request_id': 'str'}
get_message() str[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.response_log_message.ResponseLogMessage(request_id: str, status_code: int, duration: int = -1, body_obfuscator: ~worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.body_obfuscator.BodyObfuscator = <worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.body_obfuscator.BodyObfuscator object>, header_obfuscator: ~worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.header_obfuscator.HeaderObfuscator = <worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.header_obfuscator.HeaderObfuscator object>)[source]

Bases: LogMessage

A utility class to build request log messages.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'__body': 'Optional[str]', '__body_obfuscator': 'BodyObfuscator', '__content_type': 'Optional[str]', '__header_list': 'List[Tuple[str, str]]', '__header_obfuscator': 'HeaderObfuscator', '__headers': 'str', '__request_id': 'str'}
get_duration() int[source]
get_message() str[source]
get_status_code() int[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.log.sys_out_communicator_logger.SysOutCommunicatorLogger[source]

Bases: CommunicatorLogger

A communicator logger that prints its message to sys.stdout It includes a timestamp in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss format in the system time zone.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {}
static instance() SysOutCommunicatorLogger[source]
log(message: str, thrown: Exception | None = None) None[source]

Logs a throwable with an accompanying message.

  • message – The message accompanying the throwable.

  • thrown – The throwable to log.

exception worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.api_exception.ApiException(status_code: int, response_body: str, type: str | None, title: str | None, status: int | None, detail: str | None, instance: str | None, message: str = 'The Worldline Acquiring platform returned an error response')[source]

Bases: RuntimeError

Represents an error response from the Worldline Acquiring platform.

property detail: str | None

The detail received from the Worldline Acquiring platform if available.

property instance: str | None

The instance received from the Worldline Acquiring platform if available.

property response_body: str

The raw response body that was returned by the Worldline Acquiring platform.

property status: int | None

The status received from the Worldline Acquiring platform if available.

property status_code: int

The HTTP status code that was returned by the Worldline Acquiring platform.

property title: str | None

The title received from the Worldline Acquiring platform if available.

property type: str | None

The type received from the Worldline Acquiring platform if available.

exception worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.authorization_exception.AuthorizationException(status_code: int, response_body: str, type: str | None, title: str | None, status: int | None, detail: str | None, instance: str | None, message: str = 'The Worldline Acquiring platform returned an API authorization error response')[source]

Bases: ApiException

Represents an error response from the Worldline Acquiring platform when API authorization failed.

__annotations__ = {}
worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.exception_factory.create_exception(status_code: int, body: str, error_object: Any, context: CallContext | None) Exception[source]

Return a raisable API exception based on the error object given

exception worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.platform_exception.PlatformException(status_code: int, response_body: str, type: str | None, title: str | None, status: int | None, detail: str | None, instance: str | None, message: str = 'The Worldline Acquiring platform returned an error response')[source]

Bases: ApiException

Represents an error response from the Worldline Acquiring platform when something went wrong at the Worldline Acquiring platform or further downstream.

__annotations__ = {}
exception worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.reference_exception.ReferenceException(status_code: int, response_body: str, type: str | None, title: str | None, status: int | None, detail: str | None, instance: str | None, message: str = 'The Worldline Acquiring platform returned a reference error response')[source]

Bases: ApiException

Represents an error response from the Worldline Acquiring platform when a non-existing or removed object is trying to be accessed.

__annotations__ = {}
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.v1_client.V1Client(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]

Bases: ApiResource

V1 client.


__annotations__ = {}
__init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]
acquirer(acquirer_id: str) AcquirerClient[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}


acquirer_id – str



ping() PingClient[source]

Resource /services/v1/ping


exception worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.validation_exception.ValidationException(status_code: int, response_body: str, type: str | None, title: str | None, status: int | None, detail: str | None, instance: str | None, message: str = 'The Worldline Acquiring platform returned an incorrect request error response')[source]

Bases: ApiException

Represents an error response from the Worldline Acquiring platform when validation of requests failed.

__annotations__ = {}
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.acquirer.acquirer_client.AcquirerClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]

Bases: ApiResource

Acquirer client. Thread-safe.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]
merchant(merchant_id: str) MerchantClient[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}


merchant_id – str



class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.acquirer.merchant.merchant_client.MerchantClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]

Bases: ApiResource

Merchant client. Thread-safe.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]
account_verifications() AccountVerificationsClient[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/account-verifications



balance_inquiries() BalanceInquiriesClient[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/balance-inquiries



dynamic_currency_conversion() DynamicCurrencyConversionClient[source]

Resource /services/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/dcc-rates



payments() PaymentsClient[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/payments



refunds() RefundsClient[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/refunds



technical_reversals() TechnicalReversalsClient[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/operations/{operationId}/reverse



class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.acquirer.merchant.accountverifications.account_verifications_client.AccountVerificationsClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]

Bases: ApiResource

AccountVerifications client. Thread-safe.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]
process_account_verification(body: ApiAccountVerificationRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) ApiAccountVerificationResponse[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/account-verifications - Verify account

See also



  • ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)

  • AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)

  • ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)

  • PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Acquiring platform, the Worldline Acquiring platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)

  • ApiException – if the Worldline Acquiring platform returned any other error

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.acquirer.merchant.balanceinquiries.balance_inquiries_client.BalanceInquiriesClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]

Bases: ApiResource

BalanceInquiries client. Thread-safe.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]
process_balance_inquiry(body: ApiBalanceInquiryRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) ApiBalanceInquiryResponse[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/balance-inquiries - Balance inquiry

See also



  • ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)

  • AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)

  • ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)

  • PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Acquiring platform, the Worldline Acquiring platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)

  • ApiException – if the Worldline Acquiring platform returned any other error

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.acquirer.merchant.dynamiccurrencyconversion.dynamic_currency_conversion_client.DynamicCurrencyConversionClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]

Bases: ApiResource

DynamicCurrencyConversion client. Thread-safe.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]
request_dcc_rate(body: GetDCCRateRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) GetDccRateResponse[source]

Resource /services/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/dcc-rates - Request DCC rate

See also



  • ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)

  • AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)

  • ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)

  • PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Acquiring platform, the Worldline Acquiring platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)

  • ApiException – if the Worldline Acquiring platform returned any other error

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.acquirer.merchant.payments.get_payment_status_params.GetPaymentStatusParams[source]

Bases: ParamRequest

Query parameters for Retrieve payment

See also

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'_GetPaymentStatusParams__return_operations': typing.Optional[bool], '__return_operations': 'Optional[bool]'}
property return_operations: bool | None
If true, the response will contain the operations of the payment. False by default.

Type: bool

to_request_parameters() List[RequestParam][source]


class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.acquirer.merchant.payments.payments_client.PaymentsClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]

Bases: ApiResource

Payments client. Thread-safe.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]
create_refund(payment_id: str, body: ApiPaymentRefundRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) ApiActionResponseForRefund[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId}/refunds - Refund payment

See also



  • ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)

  • AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)

  • ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)

  • PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Acquiring platform, the Worldline Acquiring platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)

  • ApiException – if the Worldline Acquiring platform returned any other error

get_payment_status(payment_id: str, query: GetPaymentStatusParams, context: CallContext | None = None) ApiPaymentResource[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId} - Retrieve payment

See also



  • ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)

  • AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)

  • ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)

  • PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Acquiring platform, the Worldline Acquiring platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)

  • ApiException – if the Worldline Acquiring platform returned any other error

increment_payment(payment_id: str, body: ApiIncrementRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) ApiIncrementResponse[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId}/increments - Increment authorization

See also



  • ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)

  • AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)

  • ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)

  • PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Acquiring platform, the Worldline Acquiring platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)

  • ApiException – if the Worldline Acquiring platform returned any other error

process_payment(body: ApiPaymentRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) ApiPaymentResponse[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/payments - Create payment

See also



  • ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)

  • AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)

  • ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)

  • PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Acquiring platform, the Worldline Acquiring platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)

  • ApiException – if the Worldline Acquiring platform returned any other error

reverse_authorization(payment_id: str, body: ApiPaymentReversalRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) ApiReversalResponse[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId}/authorization-reversals - Reverse authorization

See also



  • ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)

  • AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)

  • ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)

  • PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Acquiring platform, the Worldline Acquiring platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)

  • ApiException – if the Worldline Acquiring platform returned any other error

simple_capture_of_payment(payment_id: str, body: ApiCaptureRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) ApiActionResponse[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId}/captures - Capture payment

See also



  • ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)

  • AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)

  • ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)

  • PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Acquiring platform, the Worldline Acquiring platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)

  • ApiException – if the Worldline Acquiring platform returned any other error

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.acquirer.merchant.refunds.get_refund_params.GetRefundParams[source]

Bases: ParamRequest

Query parameters for Retrieve refund

See also

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})
__annotations__ = {'_GetRefundParams__return_operations': typing.Optional[bool], '__return_operations': 'Optional[bool]'}
property return_operations: bool | None
If true, the response will contain the operations of the payment. False by default.

Type: bool

to_request_parameters() List[RequestParam][source]


class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.acquirer.merchant.refunds.refunds_client.RefundsClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]

Bases: ApiResource

Refunds client. Thread-safe.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]
capture_refund(refund_id: str, body: ApiCaptureRequestForRefund, context: CallContext | None = None) ApiActionResponseForRefund[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/refunds/{refundId}/captures - Capture refund

See also



  • ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)

  • AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)

  • ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)

  • PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Acquiring platform, the Worldline Acquiring platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)

  • ApiException – if the Worldline Acquiring platform returned any other error

get_refund(refund_id: str, query: GetRefundParams, context: CallContext | None = None) ApiRefundResource[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/refunds/{refundId} - Retrieve refund

See also



  • ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)

  • AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)

  • ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)

  • PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Acquiring platform, the Worldline Acquiring platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)

  • ApiException – if the Worldline Acquiring platform returned any other error

process_standalone_refund(body: ApiRefundRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) ApiRefundResponse[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/refunds - Create standalone refund

See also



  • ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)

  • AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)

  • ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)

  • PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Acquiring platform, the Worldline Acquiring platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)

  • ApiException – if the Worldline Acquiring platform returned any other error

reverse_refund_authorization(refund_id: str, body: ApiRefundReversalRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) ApiActionResponseForRefund[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/refunds/{refundId}/authorization-reversals - Reverse refund authorization

See also



  • ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)

  • AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)

  • ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)

  • PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Acquiring platform, the Worldline Acquiring platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)

  • ApiException – if the Worldline Acquiring platform returned any other error

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.acquirer.merchant.technicalreversals.technical_reversals_client.TechnicalReversalsClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]

Bases: ApiResource

TechnicalReversals client. Thread-safe.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]
technical_reversal(operation_id: str, body: ApiTechnicalReversalRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) ApiTechnicalReversalResponse[source]

Resource /processing/v1/{acquirerId}/{merchantId}/operations/{operationId}/reverse - Technical reversal

See also



  • ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)

  • AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)

  • ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)

  • PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Acquiring platform, the Worldline Acquiring platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)

  • ApiException – if the Worldline Acquiring platform returned any other error

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.address_verification_data.AddressVerificationData[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_AddressVerificationData__cardholder_address': typing.Optional[str], '_AddressVerificationData__cardholder_postal_code': typing.Optional[str]}
property cardholder_address: str | None
Cardholder street address

Type: str

property cardholder_postal_code: str | None
Cardholder postal code, should be provided without spaces

Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AddressVerificationData[source]
to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_AmountData__amount': typing.Optional[int], '_AmountData__currency_code': typing.Optional[str], '_AmountData__number_of_decimals': typing.Optional[int]}
property amount: int | None
Amount of transaction formatted according to card scheme specifications. E.g. 100 for 1.00 EUR.

Type: int

property currency_code: str | None
Alpha-numeric ISO 4217 currency code for transaction, e.g. EUR

Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AmountData[source]
property number_of_decimals: int | None
Number of decimals in the amount

Type: int

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_account_verification_request.ApiAccountVerificationRequest[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiAccountVerificationRequest__card_payment_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_verification.CardPaymentDataForVerification], '_ApiAccountVerificationRequest__merchant': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.merchant_data.MerchantData], '_ApiAccountVerificationRequest__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiAccountVerificationRequest__references': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.payment_references.PaymentReferences], '_ApiAccountVerificationRequest__terminal_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData], '_ApiAccountVerificationRequest__transaction_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime]}
property card_payment_data: CardPaymentDataForVerification | None
Card data

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_verification.CardPaymentDataForVerification

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiAccountVerificationRequest[source]
property merchant: MerchantData | None
Merchant Data

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.merchant_data.MerchantData

property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property references: PaymentReferences | None
Payment References

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.payment_references.PaymentReferences

property terminal_data: TerminalData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property transaction_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of transaction in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZD)
It can be expressed in merchant time zone (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00+02:00) or in UTC (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00Z)

Type: datetime

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_account_verification_response.ApiAccountVerificationResponse[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiAccountVerificationResponse__authorization_code': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiAccountVerificationResponse__card_payment_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_response.CardPaymentDataForResponse], '_ApiAccountVerificationResponse__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiAccountVerificationResponse__references': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_references_for_responses.ApiReferencesForResponses], '_ApiAccountVerificationResponse__responder': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiAccountVerificationResponse__response_code': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiAccountVerificationResponse__response_code_category': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiAccountVerificationResponse__response_code_description': typing.Optional[str]}
property authorization_code: str | None
Authorization approval code

Type: str

property card_payment_data: CardPaymentDataForResponse | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_response.CardPaymentDataForResponse

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiAccountVerificationResponse[source]
property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property references: ApiReferencesForResponses | None
A set of references returned in responses

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_references_for_responses.ApiReferencesForResponses

property responder: str | None
The party that originated the response Possible values are:




Type: str

property response_code: str | None
Numeric response code, e.g. 0, 5

Type: str

property response_code_category: str | None
Category of response code.
Possible values are:



Type: str

property response_code_description: str | None
Description of the response code

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_action_response.ApiActionResponse[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiActionResponse__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiActionResponse__payment': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_payment_summary_for_response.ApiPaymentSummaryForResponse], '_ApiActionResponse__responder': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiActionResponse__response_code': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiActionResponse__response_code_category': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiActionResponse__response_code_description': typing.Optional[str]}
from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiActionResponse[source]
property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property payment: ApiPaymentSummaryForResponse | None
A summary of the payment used for responses

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_payment_summary_for_response.ApiPaymentSummaryForResponse

property responder: str | None
The party that originated the response Possible values are:




Type: str

property response_code: str | None
Numeric response code, e.g. 0, 5

Type: str

property response_code_category: str | None
Category of response code.
Possible values are:



Type: str

property response_code_description: str | None
Description of the response code

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_action_response_for_refund.ApiActionResponseForRefund[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiActionResponseForRefund__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiActionResponseForRefund__refund': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_refund_summary_for_response.ApiRefundSummaryForResponse], '_ApiActionResponseForRefund__responder': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiActionResponseForRefund__response_code': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiActionResponseForRefund__response_code_category': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiActionResponseForRefund__response_code_description': typing.Optional[str]}
from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiActionResponseForRefund[source]
property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property refund: ApiRefundSummaryForResponse | None
A summary of the refund used for responses

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_refund_summary_for_response.ApiRefundSummaryForResponse

property responder: str | None
The party that originated the response Possible values are:




Type: str

property response_code: str | None
Numeric response code, e.g. 0, 5

Type: str

property response_code_category: str | None
Category of response code.
Possible values are:



Type: str

property response_code_description: str | None
Description of the response code

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_balance_inquiry_request.ApiBalanceInquiryRequest[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiBalanceInquiryRequest__card_payment_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_balance_inquiry.CardPaymentDataForBalanceInquiry], '_ApiBalanceInquiryRequest__merchant': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.merchant_data.MerchantData], '_ApiBalanceInquiryRequest__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiBalanceInquiryRequest__references': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.payment_references.PaymentReferences], '_ApiBalanceInquiryRequest__terminal_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData], '_ApiBalanceInquiryRequest__transaction_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime]}
property card_payment_data: CardPaymentDataForBalanceInquiry | None
Card data

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_balance_inquiry.CardPaymentDataForBalanceInquiry

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiBalanceInquiryRequest[source]
property merchant: MerchantData | None
Merchant Data

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.merchant_data.MerchantData

property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property references: PaymentReferences | None
Payment References

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.payment_references.PaymentReferences

property terminal_data: TerminalData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property transaction_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of transaction in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZD)
It can be expressed in merchant time zone (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00+02:00) or in UTC (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00Z)

Type: datetime

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_balance_inquiry_response.ApiBalanceInquiryResponse[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiBalanceInquiryResponse__authorization_code': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiBalanceInquiryResponse__available_amount': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData], '_ApiBalanceInquiryResponse__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiBalanceInquiryResponse__references': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_references_for_responses.ApiReferencesForResponses], '_ApiBalanceInquiryResponse__responder': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiBalanceInquiryResponse__response_code': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiBalanceInquiryResponse__response_code_category': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiBalanceInquiryResponse__response_code_description': typing.Optional[str]}
property authorization_code: str | None
Authorization approval code

Type: str

property available_amount: AmountData | None
Amount for the operation.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiBalanceInquiryResponse[source]
property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property references: ApiReferencesForResponses | None
A set of references returned in responses

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_references_for_responses.ApiReferencesForResponses

property responder: str | None
The party that originated the response Possible values are:




Type: str

property response_code: str | None
Numeric response code, e.g. 0, 5

Type: str

property response_code_category: str | None
Category of response code.
Possible values are:



Type: str

property response_code_description: str | None
Description of the response code

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_capture_request.ApiCaptureRequest[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiCaptureRequest__amount': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData], '_ApiCaptureRequest__capture_sequence_number': typing.Optional[int], '_ApiCaptureRequest__dynamic_currency_conversion': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.dcc_data.DccData], '_ApiCaptureRequest__is_final': typing.Optional[bool], '_ApiCaptureRequest__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiCaptureRequest__references': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.payment_references.PaymentReferences], '_ApiCaptureRequest__terminal_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData], '_ApiCaptureRequest__transaction_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime]}
property amount: AmountData | None
Amount to capture. If not provided, the full amount will be captured.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData

property capture_sequence_number: int | None
The index of the partial capture. Not needed for full capture.

Type: int

property dynamic_currency_conversion: DccData | None
Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) rate data from DCC lookup response.
Mandatory for DCC transactions.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.dcc_data.DccData

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiCaptureRequest[source]
property is_final: bool | None
Indicates whether this partial capture is the final one.
Not needed for full capture.

Type: bool

property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property references: PaymentReferences | None
Payment References

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.payment_references.PaymentReferences

property terminal_data: TerminalData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property transaction_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of transaction in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZD)
It can be expressed in merchant time zone (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00+02:00) or in UTC (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00Z)

Type: datetime

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_capture_request_for_refund.ApiCaptureRequestForRefund[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiCaptureRequestForRefund__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiCaptureRequestForRefund__references': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.payment_references.PaymentReferences], '_ApiCaptureRequestForRefund__terminal_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData], '_ApiCaptureRequestForRefund__transaction_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime]}
from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiCaptureRequestForRefund[source]
property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property references: PaymentReferences | None
Payment References

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.payment_references.PaymentReferences

property terminal_data: TerminalData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property transaction_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of transaction in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZD)
It can be expressed in merchant time zone (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00+02:00) or in UTC (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00Z)

Type: datetime

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_increment_request.ApiIncrementRequest[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiIncrementRequest__dynamic_currency_conversion': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.dcc_data.DccData], '_ApiIncrementRequest__increment_amount': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData], '_ApiIncrementRequest__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiIncrementRequest__terminal_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData], '_ApiIncrementRequest__transaction_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime]}
property dynamic_currency_conversion: DccData | None
Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) rate data from DCC lookup response.
Mandatory for DCC transactions.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.dcc_data.DccData

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiIncrementRequest[source]
property increment_amount: AmountData | None
Amount for the operation.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData

property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property terminal_data: TerminalData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property transaction_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of transaction in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZD)
It can be expressed in merchant time zone (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00+02:00) or in UTC (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00Z)

Type: datetime

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_increment_response.ApiIncrementResponse[source]

Bases: ApiActionResponse

__annotations__ = {'_ApiIncrementResponse__authorization_code': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiIncrementResponse__total_authorized_amount': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData]}
property authorization_code: str | None
Authorization approval code

Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiIncrementResponse[source]
to_dictionary() dict[source]
property total_authorized_amount: AmountData | None
Amount for the operation.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_payment_error_response.ApiPaymentErrorResponse[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiPaymentErrorResponse__detail': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentErrorResponse__instance': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentErrorResponse__status': typing.Optional[int], '_ApiPaymentErrorResponse__title': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentErrorResponse__type': typing.Optional[str]}
property detail: str | None
Any relevant details about the error.
May include suggestions for handling it. Can be an empty string if no extra details are available.

Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiPaymentErrorResponse[source]
property instance: str | None
A URI reference that identifies the specific occurrence of the error.
It may or may not yield further information if dereferenced.

Type: str

property status: int | None
The HTTP status code of this error response.
Included to aid those frameworks that have a hard time working with anything other than the body of an HTTP response.

Type: int

property title: str | None
The human-readable version of the error.

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property type: str | None
The type of the error.
This is what you should match against when implementing error handling.
It is in the form of a URL that identifies the error type.

Type: str

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_payment_refund_request.ApiPaymentRefundRequest[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiPaymentRefundRequest__amount': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData], '_ApiPaymentRefundRequest__capture_immediately': typing.Optional[bool], '_ApiPaymentRefundRequest__dynamic_currency_conversion': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.dcc_data.DccData], '_ApiPaymentRefundRequest__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentRefundRequest__references': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.payment_references.PaymentReferences], '_ApiPaymentRefundRequest__terminal_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData], '_ApiPaymentRefundRequest__transaction_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime]}
property amount: AmountData | None
Amount to refund. If not provided, the full amount will be refunded.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData

property capture_immediately: bool | None
If true the transaction will be authorized and captured immediately

Type: bool

property dynamic_currency_conversion: DccData | None
Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) rate data from DCC lookup response.
Mandatory for DCC transactions.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.dcc_data.DccData

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiPaymentRefundRequest[source]
property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property references: PaymentReferences | None
Payment References

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.payment_references.PaymentReferences

property terminal_data: TerminalData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property transaction_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of transaction in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZD)
It can be expressed in merchant time zone (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00+02:00) or in UTC (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00Z)

Type: datetime

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_payment_request.ApiPaymentRequest[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiPaymentRequest__amount': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData], '_ApiPaymentRequest__authorization_type': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentRequest__card_payment_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data.CardPaymentData], '_ApiPaymentRequest__dynamic_currency_conversion': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.dcc_data.DccData], '_ApiPaymentRequest__merchant': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.merchant_data.MerchantData], '_ApiPaymentRequest__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentRequest__references': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.payment_references.PaymentReferences], '_ApiPaymentRequest__terminal_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData], '_ApiPaymentRequest__transaction_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime]}
property amount: AmountData | None
Amount for the operation.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData

property authorization_type: str | None
The type of authorization

Type: str

property card_payment_data: CardPaymentData | None
Card data

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data.CardPaymentData

property dynamic_currency_conversion: DccData | None
Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) rate data from DCC lookup response.
Mandatory for DCC transactions.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.dcc_data.DccData

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiPaymentRequest[source]
property merchant: MerchantData | None
Merchant Data

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.merchant_data.MerchantData

property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property references: PaymentReferences | None
Payment References

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.payment_references.PaymentReferences

property terminal_data: TerminalData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property transaction_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of transaction in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZD)
It can be expressed in merchant time zone (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00+02:00) or in UTC (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00Z)

Type: datetime

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_payment_resource.ApiPaymentResource[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiPaymentResource__card_payment_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_resource.CardPaymentDataForResource], '_ApiPaymentResource__initial_authorization_code': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentResource__operations': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.sub_operation.SubOperation]], '_ApiPaymentResource__payment_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentResource__references': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_references_for_responses.ApiReferencesForResponses], '_ApiPaymentResource__retry_after': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentResource__status': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentResource__status_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime], '_ApiPaymentResource__total_authorized_amount': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData]}
property card_payment_data: CardPaymentDataForResource | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_resource.CardPaymentDataForResource

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiPaymentResource[source]
property initial_authorization_code: str | None
Authorization approval code

Type: str

property operations: List[SubOperation] | None

Type: list[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.sub_operation.SubOperation]

property payment_id: str | None
the ID of the payment

Type: str

property references: ApiReferencesForResponses | None
A set of references returned in responses

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_references_for_responses.ApiReferencesForResponses

property retry_after: str | None
The duration to wait after the initial submission before retrying the payment.
Expressed using ISO 8601 duration format, ex: PT2H for 2 hours.
This field is only present when the payment can be retried later.
PT0 means that the payment can be retried immediately.

Type: str

property status: str | None
The status of the payment, refund or credit transfer
Possible values are:







Type: str

property status_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of the status in format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ

Type: datetime

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property total_authorized_amount: AmountData | None
Amount for the operation.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_payment_response.ApiPaymentResponse[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiPaymentResponse__card_payment_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_response.CardPaymentDataForResponse], '_ApiPaymentResponse__emv_data': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.emv_data_item.EmvDataItem]], '_ApiPaymentResponse__initial_authorization_code': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentResponse__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentResponse__payment_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentResponse__references': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_references_for_responses.ApiReferencesForResponses], '_ApiPaymentResponse__responder': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentResponse__response_code': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentResponse__response_code_category': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentResponse__response_code_description': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentResponse__retry_after': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentResponse__status': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentResponse__status_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime], '_ApiPaymentResponse__total_authorized_amount': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData]}
property card_payment_data: CardPaymentDataForResponse | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_response.CardPaymentDataForResponse

property emv_data: List[EmvDataItem] | None
EMV data of the card as tag/value pairs.

Type: list[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.emv_data_item.EmvDataItem]

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiPaymentResponse[source]
property initial_authorization_code: str | None
Authorization approval code

Type: str

property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property payment_id: str | None
the ID of the payment

Type: str

property references: ApiReferencesForResponses | None
A set of references returned in responses

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_references_for_responses.ApiReferencesForResponses

property responder: str | None
The party that originated the response Possible values are:




Type: str

property response_code: str | None
Numeric response code, e.g. 0, 5

Type: str

property response_code_category: str | None
Category of response code.
Possible values are:



Type: str

property response_code_description: str | None
Description of the response code

Type: str

property retry_after: str | None
The duration to wait after the initial submission before retrying the payment.
Expressed using ISO 8601 duration format, ex: PT2H for 2 hours.
This field is only present when the payment can be retried later.
PT0 means that the payment can be retried immediately.

Type: str

property status: str | None
The status of the payment, refund or credit transfer
Possible values are:







Type: str

property status_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of the status in format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ

Type: datetime

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property total_authorized_amount: AmountData | None
Amount for the operation.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_payment_reversal_request.ApiPaymentReversalRequest[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiPaymentReversalRequest__dynamic_currency_conversion': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.dcc_data.DccData], '_ApiPaymentReversalRequest__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentReversalRequest__reversal_amount': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData], '_ApiPaymentReversalRequest__terminal_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData], '_ApiPaymentReversalRequest__transaction_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime]}
property dynamic_currency_conversion: DccData | None
Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) rate data from DCC lookup response.
Mandatory for DCC transactions.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.dcc_data.DccData

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiPaymentReversalRequest[source]
property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property reversal_amount: AmountData | None
Amount to reverse. If not provided, the full amount will be reversed.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData

property terminal_data: TerminalData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property transaction_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of transaction in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZD)
It can be expressed in merchant time zone (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00+02:00) or in UTC (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00Z)

Type: datetime

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_payment_summary_for_response.ApiPaymentSummaryForResponse[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiPaymentSummaryForResponse__payment_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentSummaryForResponse__references': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_references_for_responses.ApiReferencesForResponses], '_ApiPaymentSummaryForResponse__retry_after': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentSummaryForResponse__status': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiPaymentSummaryForResponse__status_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime]}
from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiPaymentSummaryForResponse[source]
property payment_id: str | None
the ID of the payment

Type: str

property references: ApiReferencesForResponses | None
A set of references returned in responses

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_references_for_responses.ApiReferencesForResponses

property retry_after: str | None
The duration to wait after the initial submission before retrying the payment.
Expressed using ISO 8601 duration format, ex: PT2H for 2 hours.
This field is only present when the payment can be retried later.
PT0 means that the payment can be retried immediately.

Type: str

property status: str | None
The status of the payment, refund or credit transfer
Possible values are:







Type: str

property status_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of the status in format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ

Type: datetime

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_references_for_responses.ApiReferencesForResponses[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiReferencesForResponses__payment_account_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiReferencesForResponses__retrieval_reference_number': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiReferencesForResponses__scheme_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str]}
from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiReferencesForResponses[source]
property payment_account_reference: str | None
(PAR) Unique identifier associated with a specific cardholder PAN

Type: str

property retrieval_reference_number: str | None
Retrieval reference number for transaction, must be AN(12) if provided

Type: str

property scheme_transaction_id: str | None
ID assigned by the scheme to identify a transaction through its whole lifecycle.

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_refund_request.ApiRefundRequest[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiRefundRequest__amount': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData], '_ApiRefundRequest__card_payment_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_refund.CardPaymentDataForRefund], '_ApiRefundRequest__dynamic_currency_conversion': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.dcc_data.DccData], '_ApiRefundRequest__merchant': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.merchant_data.MerchantData], '_ApiRefundRequest__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundRequest__references': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.payment_references.PaymentReferences], '_ApiRefundRequest__terminal_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData], '_ApiRefundRequest__transaction_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime]}
property amount: AmountData | None
Amount for the operation.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData

property card_payment_data: CardPaymentDataForRefund | None
Card data for refund

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_refund.CardPaymentDataForRefund

property dynamic_currency_conversion: DccData | None
Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) rate data from DCC lookup response.
Mandatory for DCC transactions.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.dcc_data.DccData

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiRefundRequest[source]
property merchant: MerchantData | None
Merchant Data

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.merchant_data.MerchantData

property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property references: PaymentReferences | None
Payment References

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.payment_references.PaymentReferences

property terminal_data: TerminalData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property transaction_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of transaction in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZD)
It can be expressed in merchant time zone (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00+02:00) or in UTC (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00Z)

Type: datetime

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_refund_resource.ApiRefundResource[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiRefundResource__card_payment_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_resource.CardPaymentDataForResource], '_ApiRefundResource__initial_authorization_code': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundResource__operations': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.sub_operation_for_refund.SubOperationForRefund]], '_ApiRefundResource__referenced_payment_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundResource__references': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_references_for_responses.ApiReferencesForResponses], '_ApiRefundResource__refund_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundResource__retry_after': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundResource__status': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundResource__status_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime], '_ApiRefundResource__total_authorized_amount': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData]}
property card_payment_data: CardPaymentDataForResource | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_resource.CardPaymentDataForResource

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiRefundResource[source]
property initial_authorization_code: str | None
Authorization approval code

Type: str

property operations: List[SubOperationForRefund] | None

Type: list[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.sub_operation_for_refund.SubOperationForRefund]

property referenced_payment_id: str | None
The identifier of the payment referenced by this refund.

Type: str

property references: ApiReferencesForResponses | None
A set of references returned in responses

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_references_for_responses.ApiReferencesForResponses

property refund_id: str | None
the ID of the refund

Type: str

property retry_after: str | None
The duration to wait after the initial submission before retrying the payment.
Expressed using ISO 8601 duration format, ex: PT2H for 2 hours.
This field is only present when the payment can be retried later.
PT0 means that the payment can be retried immediately.

Type: str

property status: str | None
The status of the payment, refund or credit transfer
Possible values are:







Type: str

property status_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of the status in format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ

Type: datetime

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property total_authorized_amount: AmountData | None
Amount for the operation.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_refund_response.ApiRefundResponse[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiRefundResponse__authorization_code': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundResponse__card_payment_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_resource.CardPaymentDataForResource], '_ApiRefundResponse__emv_data': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.emv_data_item.EmvDataItem]], '_ApiRefundResponse__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundResponse__referenced_payment_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundResponse__references': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_references_for_responses.ApiReferencesForResponses], '_ApiRefundResponse__refund_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundResponse__responder': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundResponse__response_code': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundResponse__response_code_category': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundResponse__response_code_description': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundResponse__retry_after': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundResponse__status': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundResponse__status_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime], '_ApiRefundResponse__total_authorized_amount': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData]}
property authorization_code: str | None
Authorization approval code

Type: str

property card_payment_data: CardPaymentDataForResource | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_resource.CardPaymentDataForResource

property emv_data: List[EmvDataItem] | None
EMV data of the card as tag/value pairs. It is needed when cardEntryMode is CHIP or CONTACTLESS.

Type: list[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.emv_data_item.EmvDataItem]

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiRefundResponse[source]
property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property referenced_payment_id: str | None
The identifier of the payment referenced by this refund.

Type: str

property references: ApiReferencesForResponses | None
A set of references returned in responses

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_references_for_responses.ApiReferencesForResponses

property refund_id: str | None
the ID of the refund

Type: str

property responder: str | None
The party that originated the response Possible values are:




Type: str

property response_code: str | None
Numeric response code, e.g. 0, 5

Type: str

property response_code_category: str | None
Category of response code.
Possible values are:



Type: str

property response_code_description: str | None
Description of the response code

Type: str

property retry_after: str | None
The duration to wait after the initial submission before retrying the payment.
Expressed using ISO 8601 duration format, ex: PT2H for 2 hours.
This field is only present when the payment can be retried later.
PT0 means that the payment can be retried immediately.

Type: str

property status: str | None
The status of the payment, refund or credit transfer
Possible values are:







Type: str

property status_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of the status in format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ

Type: datetime

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property total_authorized_amount: AmountData | None
Amount for the operation.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_refund_reversal_request.ApiRefundReversalRequest[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiRefundReversalRequest__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundReversalRequest__terminal_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData], '_ApiRefundReversalRequest__transaction_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime]}
from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiRefundReversalRequest[source]
property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property terminal_data: TerminalData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property transaction_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of transaction in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZD)
It can be expressed in merchant time zone (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00+02:00) or in UTC (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00Z)

Type: datetime

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_refund_summary_for_response.ApiRefundSummaryForResponse[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiRefundSummaryForResponse__references': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_references_for_responses.ApiReferencesForResponses], '_ApiRefundSummaryForResponse__refund_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundSummaryForResponse__retry_after': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundSummaryForResponse__status': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiRefundSummaryForResponse__status_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime]}
from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiRefundSummaryForResponse[source]
property references: ApiReferencesForResponses | None
A set of references returned in responses

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_references_for_responses.ApiReferencesForResponses

property refund_id: str | None
the ID of the refund

Type: str

property retry_after: str | None
The duration to wait after the initial submission before retrying the payment.
Expressed using ISO 8601 duration format, ex: PT2H for 2 hours.
This field is only present when the payment can be retried later.
PT0 means that the payment can be retried immediately.

Type: str

property status: str | None
The status of the payment, refund or credit transfer
Possible values are:







Type: str

property status_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of the status in format yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ

Type: datetime

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_reversal_response.ApiReversalResponse[source]

Bases: ApiActionResponse

__annotations__ = {'_ApiReversalResponse__total_authorized_amount': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData]}
from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiReversalResponse[source]
to_dictionary() dict[source]
property total_authorized_amount: AmountData | None
Amount for the operation.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_technical_reversal_request.ApiTechnicalReversalRequest[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiTechnicalReversalRequest__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiTechnicalReversalRequest__reason': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiTechnicalReversalRequest__terminal_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData], '_ApiTechnicalReversalRequest__transaction_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime]}
from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiTechnicalReversalRequest[source]
property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property reason: str | None
Reason for reversal

Type: str

property terminal_data: TerminalData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property transaction_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of transaction in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZD)
It can be expressed in merchant time zone (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00+02:00) or in UTC (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00Z)

Type: datetime

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.api_technical_reversal_response.ApiTechnicalReversalResponse[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ApiTechnicalReversalResponse__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiTechnicalReversalResponse__responder': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiTechnicalReversalResponse__response_code': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiTechnicalReversalResponse__response_code_category': typing.Optional[str], '_ApiTechnicalReversalResponse__response_code_description': typing.Optional[str]}
from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApiTechnicalReversalResponse[source]
property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property responder: str | None
The party that originated the response Possible values are:




Type: str

property response_code: str | None
Numeric response code, e.g. 0, 5

Type: str

property response_code_category: str | None
Category of response code.
Possible values are:



Type: str

property response_code_description: str | None
Description of the response code

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_data_for_dcc.CardDataForDcc[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_CardDataForDcc__bin': typing.Optional[str], '_CardDataForDcc__brand': typing.Optional[str], '_CardDataForDcc__card_country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_CardDataForDcc__card_entry_mode': typing.Optional[str]}
property bin: str | None
Used to determine the currency of the card. The first 12 digits of the card number. The BIN number is on the first 6 or 8 digits. Some issuers are using subranges for different countries on digits 9-12.

Type: str

property brand: str | None
The card brand

Type: str

property card_country_code: str | None
The ISO 3166 country code of the card

Type: str

property card_entry_mode: str | None
Card entry mode used in the transaction

Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CardDataForDcc[source]
to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_on_file_data.CardOnFileData[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_CardOnFileData__initial_card_on_file_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.initial_card_on_file_data.InitialCardOnFileData], '_CardOnFileData__is_initial_transaction': typing.Optional[bool], '_CardOnFileData__subsequent_card_on_file_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.subsequent_card_on_file_data.SubsequentCardOnFileData]}
from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CardOnFileData[source]
property initial_card_on_file_data: InitialCardOnFileData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.initial_card_on_file_data.InitialCardOnFileData

property is_initial_transaction: bool | None
Indicate whether this is the initial Card on File transaction or not

Type: bool

property subsequent_card_on_file_data: SubsequentCardOnFileData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.subsequent_card_on_file_data.SubsequentCardOnFileData

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data.CardPaymentData[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_CardPaymentData__allow_partial_approval': typing.Optional[bool], '_CardPaymentData__brand': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentData__brand_selector': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentData__capture_immediately': typing.Optional[bool], '_CardPaymentData__card_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.plain_card_data.PlainCardData], '_CardPaymentData__card_entry_mode': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentData__card_on_file_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_on_file_data.CardOnFileData], '_CardPaymentData__cardholder_verification_method': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentData__ecommerce_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.e_commerce_data.ECommerceData], '_CardPaymentData__network_token_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.network_token_data.NetworkTokenData], '_CardPaymentData__point_of_sale_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.point_of_sale_data.PointOfSaleData], '_CardPaymentData__wallet_id': typing.Optional[str]}
property allow_partial_approval: bool | None
Indicate whether you allow partial approval or not

Type: bool

property brand: str | None
The card brand

Type: str

property brand_selector: str | None
The party responsible for the brand selection.

Type: str

property capture_immediately: bool | None
If true the transaction will be authorized and captured immediately

Type: bool

property card_data: PlainCardData | None
Card data in plain text

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.plain_card_data.PlainCardData

property card_entry_mode: str | None
Card entry mode used in the transaction

Type: str

property card_on_file_data: CardOnFileData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_on_file_data.CardOnFileData

property cardholder_verification_method: str | None
Cardholder verification method used in the transaction

Type: str

property ecommerce_data: ECommerceData | None
Request data for eCommerce transactions

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.e_commerce_data.ECommerceData

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CardPaymentData[source]
property network_token_data: NetworkTokenData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.network_token_data.NetworkTokenData

property point_of_sale_data: PointOfSaleData | None
Request data for Point Of Sale (POS) or “in person” Transaction

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.point_of_sale_data.PointOfSaleData

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property wallet_id: str | None
Type of wallet, values are assigned by card schemes, e.g. 101 for MasterPass in eCommerce, 102 for MasterPass NFC, 103 for Apple Pay, 216 for Google Pay and 217 for Samsung Pay

Type: str

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_balance_inquiry.CardPaymentDataForBalanceInquiry[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_CardPaymentDataForBalanceInquiry__brand': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentDataForBalanceInquiry__brand_selector': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentDataForBalanceInquiry__card_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.plain_card_data.PlainCardData], '_CardPaymentDataForBalanceInquiry__card_entry_mode': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentDataForBalanceInquiry__cardholder_verification_method': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentDataForBalanceInquiry__ecommerce_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.e_commerce_data.ECommerceData], '_CardPaymentDataForBalanceInquiry__point_of_sale_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.point_of_sale_data.PointOfSaleData], '_CardPaymentDataForBalanceInquiry__wallet_id': typing.Optional[str]}
property brand: str | None
The card brand

Type: str

property brand_selector: str | None
The party responsible for the brand selection.

Type: str

property card_data: PlainCardData | None
Card data in plain text

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.plain_card_data.PlainCardData

property card_entry_mode: str | None
Card entry mode used in the transaction

Type: str

property cardholder_verification_method: str | None
Cardholder verification method used in the transaction

Type: str

property ecommerce_data: ECommerceData | None
Request data for eCommerce transactions

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.e_commerce_data.ECommerceData

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CardPaymentDataForBalanceInquiry[source]
property point_of_sale_data: PointOfSaleData | None
Request data for Point Of Sale (POS) or “in person” Transaction

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.point_of_sale_data.PointOfSaleData

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property wallet_id: str | None
Type of wallet, values are assigned by card schemes, e.g. 101 for MasterPass in eCommerce, 102 for MasterPass NFC, 103 for Apple Pay, 216 for Google Pay and 217 for Samsung Pay

Type: str

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_refund.CardPaymentDataForRefund[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_CardPaymentDataForRefund__brand': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentDataForRefund__brand_selector': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentDataForRefund__capture_immediately': typing.Optional[bool], '_CardPaymentDataForRefund__card_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.plain_card_data.PlainCardData], '_CardPaymentDataForRefund__card_entry_mode': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentDataForRefund__cardholder_verification_method': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentDataForRefund__network_token_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.network_token_data.NetworkTokenData], '_CardPaymentDataForRefund__point_of_sale_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.point_of_sale_data.PointOfSaleData], '_CardPaymentDataForRefund__wallet_id': typing.Optional[str]}
property brand: str | None
The card brand

Type: str

property brand_selector: str | None
The party responsible for the brand selection.

Type: str

property capture_immediately: bool | None
If true the transaction will be authorized and captured immediately

Type: bool

property card_data: PlainCardData | None
Card data in plain text

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.plain_card_data.PlainCardData

property card_entry_mode: str | None
Card entry mode used in the transaction

Type: str

property cardholder_verification_method: str | None
Cardholder verification method used in the transaction

Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CardPaymentDataForRefund[source]
property network_token_data: NetworkTokenData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.network_token_data.NetworkTokenData

property point_of_sale_data: PointOfSaleData | None
Request data for Point Of Sale (POS) or “in person” Transaction

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.point_of_sale_data.PointOfSaleData

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property wallet_id: str | None
Type of wallet, values are assigned by card schemes, e.g. 101 for MasterPass in eCommerce, 102 for MasterPass NFC, 103 for Apple Pay, 216 for Google Pay and 217 for Samsung Pay

Type: str

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_resource.CardPaymentDataForResource[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_CardPaymentDataForResource__brand': typing.Optional[str]}
property brand: str | None
The card brand

Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CardPaymentDataForResource[source]
to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_response.CardPaymentDataForResponse[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_CardPaymentDataForResponse__brand': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentDataForResponse__ecommerce_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.e_commerce_data_for_response.ECommerceDataForResponse], '_CardPaymentDataForResponse__point_of_sale_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.point_of_sale_data_for_response.PointOfSaleDataForResponse]}
property brand: str | None
The card brand

Type: str

property ecommerce_data: ECommerceDataForResponse | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.e_commerce_data_for_response.ECommerceDataForResponse

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CardPaymentDataForResponse[source]
property point_of_sale_data: PointOfSaleDataForResponse | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.point_of_sale_data_for_response.PointOfSaleDataForResponse

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_data_for_verification.CardPaymentDataForVerification[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_CardPaymentDataForVerification__brand': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentDataForVerification__brand_selector': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentDataForVerification__card_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.plain_card_data.PlainCardData], '_CardPaymentDataForVerification__card_entry_mode': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentDataForVerification__card_on_file_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_on_file_data.CardOnFileData], '_CardPaymentDataForVerification__cardholder_verification_method': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentDataForVerification__ecommerce_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.e_commerce_data_for_account_verification.ECommerceDataForAccountVerification], '_CardPaymentDataForVerification__network_token_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.network_token_data.NetworkTokenData], '_CardPaymentDataForVerification__point_of_sale_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.point_of_sale_data.PointOfSaleData], '_CardPaymentDataForVerification__wallet_id': typing.Optional[str]}
property brand: str | None
The card brand

Type: str

property brand_selector: str | None
The party responsible for the brand selection.

Type: str

property card_data: PlainCardData | None
Card data in plain text

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.plain_card_data.PlainCardData

property card_entry_mode: str | None
Card entry mode used in the transaction

Type: str

property card_on_file_data: CardOnFileData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_on_file_data.CardOnFileData

property cardholder_verification_method: str | None
Cardholder verification method used in the transaction

Type: str

property ecommerce_data: ECommerceDataForAccountVerification | None
Request data for eCommerce transactions

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.e_commerce_data_for_account_verification.ECommerceDataForAccountVerification

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CardPaymentDataForVerification[source]
property network_token_data: NetworkTokenData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.network_token_data.NetworkTokenData

property point_of_sale_data: PointOfSaleData | None
Request data for Point Of Sale (POS) or “in person” Transaction

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.point_of_sale_data.PointOfSaleData

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property wallet_id: str | None
Type of wallet, values are assigned by card schemes, e.g. 101 for MasterPass in eCommerce, 102 for MasterPass NFC, 103 for Apple Pay, 216 for Google Pay and 217 for Samsung Pay

Type: str

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.dcc_data.DccData[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_DccData__amount': typing.Optional[int], '_DccData__conversion_rate': typing.Optional[float], '_DccData__currency_code': typing.Optional[str], '_DccData__number_of_decimals': typing.Optional[int]}
property amount: int | None
Amount of transaction formatted according to card scheme specifications. E.g. 100 for 1.00 EUR.

Type: int

property conversion_rate: float | None
Currency conversion rate in decimal notation.

Type: float

property currency_code: str | None
Alpha-numeric ISO 4217 currency code for transaction, e.g. EUR

Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) DccData[source]
property number_of_decimals: int | None
Number of decimals in the amount

Type: int

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.dcc_proposal.DccProposal[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_DccProposal__original_amount': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData], '_DccProposal__rate': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.rate_data.RateData], '_DccProposal__rate_reference_id': typing.Optional[str], '_DccProposal__resulting_amount': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData]}
from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) DccProposal[source]
property original_amount: AmountData | None
Amount for the operation.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData

property rate: RateData | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.rate_data.RateData

property rate_reference_id: str | None
The rate reference ID

Type: str

property resulting_amount: AmountData | None
Amount for the operation.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.e_commerce_data.ECommerceData[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ECommerceData__address_verification_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.address_verification_data.AddressVerificationData], '_ECommerceData__sca_exemption_request': typing.Optional[str], '_ECommerceData__three_d_secure': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.three_d_secure.ThreeDSecure]}
property address_verification_data: AddressVerificationData | None
Address Verification System data

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.address_verification_data.AddressVerificationData

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ECommerceData[source]
property sca_exemption_request: str | None
Strong customer authentication exemption request

Type: str

property three_d_secure: ThreeDSecure | None
3D Secure data.
Please note that if AAV or CAVV or equivalent is missing, transaction should not be flagged as 3D Secure.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.three_d_secure.ThreeDSecure

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.e_commerce_data_for_account_verification.ECommerceDataForAccountVerification[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ECommerceDataForAccountVerification__address_verification_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.address_verification_data.AddressVerificationData], '_ECommerceDataForAccountVerification__three_d_secure': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.three_d_secure.ThreeDSecure]}
property address_verification_data: AddressVerificationData | None
Address Verification System data

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.address_verification_data.AddressVerificationData

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ECommerceDataForAccountVerification[source]
property three_d_secure: ThreeDSecure | None
3D Secure data.
Please note that if AAV or CAVV or equivalent is missing, transaction should not be flagged as 3D Secure.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.three_d_secure.ThreeDSecure

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.e_commerce_data_for_response.ECommerceDataForResponse[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ECommerceDataForResponse__address_verification_result': typing.Optional[str], '_ECommerceDataForResponse__card_security_code_result': typing.Optional[str]}
property address_verification_result: str | None
Result of Address Verification Result
Possible values:








Type: str

property card_security_code_result: str | None
Result of card security code check
Possible values:





Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ECommerceDataForResponse[source]
to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.emv_data_item.EmvDataItem[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_EmvDataItem__tag': typing.Optional[str], '_EmvDataItem__value': typing.Optional[str]}
from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) EmvDataItem[source]
property tag: str | None
EMV tag

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property value: str | None
EMV value encoded in base64

Type: str

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.get_dcc_rate_request.GetDCCRateRequest[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_GetDCCRateRequest__card_payment_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_data_for_dcc.CardDataForDcc], '_GetDCCRateRequest__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_GetDCCRateRequest__point_of_sale_data': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.point_of_sale_data_for_dcc.PointOfSaleDataForDcc], '_GetDCCRateRequest__rate_reference_id': typing.Optional[str], '_GetDCCRateRequest__target_currency': typing.Optional[str], '_GetDCCRateRequest__transaction': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.transaction_data_for_dcc.TransactionDataForDcc]}
property card_payment_data: CardDataForDcc | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.card_data_for_dcc.CardDataForDcc

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) GetDCCRateRequest[source]
property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property point_of_sale_data: PointOfSaleDataForDcc | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.point_of_sale_data_for_dcc.PointOfSaleDataForDcc

property rate_reference_id: str | None
The reference of a previously used rate
This can be used in case of refund if you want to use the same rate as the original transaction.

Type: str

property target_currency: str | None
The currency to convert to

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property transaction: TransactionDataForDcc | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.transaction_data_for_dcc.TransactionDataForDcc

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.get_dcc_rate_response.GetDccRateResponse[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_GetDccRateResponse__disclaimer_display': typing.Optional[str], '_GetDccRateResponse__disclaimer_receipt': typing.Optional[str], '_GetDccRateResponse__proposal': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.dcc_proposal.DccProposal], '_GetDccRateResponse__result': typing.Optional[str]}
property disclaimer_display: str | None
The disclaimer display

Type: str

property disclaimer_receipt: str | None
The disclaimer receipt

Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) GetDccRateResponse[source]
property proposal: DccProposal | None

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.dcc_proposal.DccProposal

property result: str | None
The result of the operation

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.initial_card_on_file_data.InitialCardOnFileData[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_InitialCardOnFileData__future_use': typing.Optional[str], '_InitialCardOnFileData__transaction_type': typing.Optional[str]}
from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) InitialCardOnFileData[source]
property future_use: str | None
Future use

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property transaction_type: str | None
Transaction type

Type: str

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.merchant_data.MerchantData[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_MerchantData__address': typing.Optional[str], '_MerchantData__city': typing.Optional[str], '_MerchantData__country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_MerchantData__merchant_category_code': typing.Optional[int], '_MerchantData__name': typing.Optional[str], '_MerchantData__postal_code': typing.Optional[str], '_MerchantData__state_code': typing.Optional[str]}
property address: str | None
Street address

Type: str

property city: str | None
Address city

Type: str

property country_code: str | None
Address country code, ISO 3166 international standard

Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MerchantData[source]
property merchant_category_code: int | None
Merchant category code (MCC)

Type: int

property name: str | None
Merchant name

Type: str

property postal_code: str | None
Address postal code

Type: str

property state_code: str | None
Address state code, only supplied if country is US or CA

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.network_token_data.NetworkTokenData[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_NetworkTokenData__cryptogram': typing.Optional[str], '_NetworkTokenData__eci': typing.Optional[str]}
property cryptogram: str | None
Network token cryptogram

Type: str

property eci: str | None
Electronic Commerce Indicator
Value that indicates the level of authentication.
Contains different values depending on the brand.

Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) NetworkTokenData[source]
to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.payment_references.PaymentReferences[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_PaymentReferences__dynamic_descriptor': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentReferences__merchant_reference': typing.Optional[str]}
property dynamic_descriptor: str | None
Dynamic descriptor gives you the ability to control the descriptor on the credit card statement of the customer.

Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentReferences[source]
property merchant_reference: str | None
Reference for the transaction to allow the merchant to reconcile their payments in our report files.
It is advised to submit a unique value per transaction.
The value provided here is returned in the baseTrxType/addlMercData element of the MRX file.

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.plain_card_data.PlainCardData[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_PlainCardData__card_number': typing.Optional[str], '_PlainCardData__card_security_code': typing.Optional[str], '_PlainCardData__expiry_date': typing.Optional[str]}
property card_number: str | None
Card number (PAN, network token or DPAN).

Type: str

property card_security_code: str | None
The security code indicated on the card
Based on the card brand, it can be 3 or 4 digits long
and have different names: CVV2, CVC2, CVN2, CID, CVC, CAV2, etc.

Type: str

property expiry_date: str | None
Card or token expiry date in format MMYYYY

Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PlainCardData[source]
to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.point_of_sale_data.PointOfSaleData[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_PointOfSaleData__emv_data': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.emv_data_item.EmvDataItem]], '_PointOfSaleData__encrypted_pin_block': typing.Optional[str], '_PointOfSaleData__is_response_to_pin_request': typing.Optional[bool], '_PointOfSaleData__is_retry_with_the_same_operation_id': typing.Optional[bool], '_PointOfSaleData__pin_master_key_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_PointOfSaleData__track2_data': typing.Optional[str]}
property emv_data: List[EmvDataItem] | None
EMV data of the card as tag/value pairs.
It is needed when cardEntryMode is CHIP or CONTACTLESS.

Type: list[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.emv_data_item.EmvDataItem]

property encrypted_pin_block: str | None
Encrypted data containing a PIN

Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PointOfSaleData[source]
property is_response_to_pin_request: bool | None
Indicate whether the request is made after a first one that resulted in a PIN request

Type: bool

property is_retry_with_the_same_operation_id: bool | None
Indicate whether the request is a retry with the same operation ID after a first request that resulted in a PIN request

Type: bool

property pin_master_key_reference: str | None
Reference to the master key used to encrypt the PIN

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property track2_data: str | None
Track 2 data from the card
It is needed when cardEntryMode is MAGNETIC_STRIPE.

Type: str

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.point_of_sale_data_for_dcc.PointOfSaleDataForDcc[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_PointOfSaleDataForDcc__terminal_country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_PointOfSaleDataForDcc__terminal_id': typing.Optional[str]}
from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PointOfSaleDataForDcc[source]
property terminal_country_code: str | None
ISO 3166 Country code of the terminal

Type: str

property terminal_id: str | None
The terminal ID

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.point_of_sale_data_for_response.PointOfSaleDataForResponse[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_PointOfSaleDataForResponse__pan_last4_digits': typing.Optional[str], '_PointOfSaleDataForResponse__pin_retry_counter': typing.Optional[int]}
from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PointOfSaleDataForResponse[source]
property pan_last4_digits: str | None
Last 4 digits of the PAN

Type: str

property pin_retry_counter: int | None
Number of PIN retries

Type: int

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.rate_data.RateData[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_RateData__exchange_rate': typing.Optional[float], '_RateData__inverted_exchange_rate': typing.Optional[float], '_RateData__mark_up': typing.Optional[float], '_RateData__mark_up_basis': typing.Optional[str], '_RateData__quotation_date_time': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime]}
property exchange_rate: float | None
The exchange rate

Type: float

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RateData[source]
property inverted_exchange_rate: float | None
The inverted exchange rate

Type: float

property mark_up: float | None
The mark up applied on the rate (in percentage).

Type: float

property mark_up_basis: str | None
The source of the rate the markup is based upon. If the cardholder and the merchant are based in Europe, the mark up is calculated based on the rates provided by the European Central Bank.

Type: str

property quotation_date_time: datetime | None
The date and time of the quotation

Type: datetime

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.sub_operation.SubOperation[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_SubOperation__amount': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData], '_SubOperation__authorization_code': typing.Optional[str], '_SubOperation__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_SubOperation__operation_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime], '_SubOperation__operation_type': typing.Optional[str], '_SubOperation__response_code': typing.Optional[str], '_SubOperation__response_code_category': typing.Optional[str], '_SubOperation__response_code_description': typing.Optional[str], '_SubOperation__retry_after': typing.Optional[str]}
property amount: AmountData | None
Amount for the operation.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData

property authorization_code: str | None
Authorization approval code

Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) SubOperation[source]
property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property operation_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of the operation in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZD)
It can be expressed in merchant time zone (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00+02:00) or in UTC (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00Z) yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ

Type: datetime

property operation_type: str | None
The kind of operation.
Possible values are:





Type: str

property response_code: str | None
Numeric response code, e.g. 0, 5

Type: str

property response_code_category: str | None
Category of response code.
Possible values are:



Type: str

property response_code_description: str | None
Description of the response code

Type: str

property retry_after: str | None
The duration to wait after the initial submission before retrying the operation.
Expressed using ISO 8601 duration format, ex: PT2H for 2 hours.
This field is only present when the operation can be retried later.
PT0 means that the operation can be retried immediately.

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.sub_operation_for_refund.SubOperationForRefund[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_SubOperationForRefund__amount': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData], '_SubOperationForRefund__operation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_SubOperationForRefund__operation_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime], '_SubOperationForRefund__operation_type': typing.Optional[str], '_SubOperationForRefund__response_code': typing.Optional[str], '_SubOperationForRefund__response_code_category': typing.Optional[str], '_SubOperationForRefund__response_code_description': typing.Optional[str], '_SubOperationForRefund__retry_after': typing.Optional[str]}
property amount: AmountData | None
Amount for the operation.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) SubOperationForRefund[source]
property operation_id: str | None
A globally unique identifier of the operation, generated by you.
We advise you to submit a UUID or an identifier composed of an arbitrary string and a UUID/URL-safe Base64 UUID (RFC 4648 §5).
It’s used to detect duplicate requests or to reference an operation in technical reversals.

Type: str

property operation_timestamp: datetime | None
Timestamp of the operation in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+TZD)
It can be expressed in merchant time zone (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00+02:00) or in UTC (ex: 2023-10-10T08:00Z) yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ

Type: datetime

property operation_type: str | None
The kind of operation
Possible values are:



Type: str

property response_code: str | None
Numeric response code, e.g. 0, 5

Type: str

property response_code_category: str | None
Category of response code.
Possible values are:



Type: str

property response_code_description: str | None
Description of the response code

Type: str

property retry_after: str | None
The duration to wait after the initial submission before retrying the operation.
Expressed using ISO 8601 duration format, ex: PT2H for 2 hours.
This field is only present when the operation can be retried later.
PT0 means that the operation can be retried immediately.

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.subsequent_card_on_file_data.SubsequentCardOnFileData[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_SubsequentCardOnFileData__card_on_file_initiator': typing.Optional[str], '_SubsequentCardOnFileData__initial_scheme_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str], '_SubsequentCardOnFileData__transaction_type': typing.Optional[str]}
property card_on_file_initiator: str | None
Card on file initiator

Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) SubsequentCardOnFileData[source]
property initial_scheme_transaction_id: str | None
ID assigned by the scheme to identify a transaction through its whole lifecycle.

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property transaction_type: str | None
Transaction type

Type: str

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.terminal_data.TerminalData[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_TerminalData__allow_single_tap': typing.Optional[bool], '_TerminalData__card_reading_capabilities': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]], '_TerminalData__cardholder_activated_terminal_level': typing.Optional[str], '_TerminalData__is_attended_terminal': typing.Optional[bool], '_TerminalData__pin_entry_capability': typing.Optional[str], '_TerminalData__terminal_id': typing.Optional[str], '_TerminalData__terminal_location': typing.Optional[str]}
property allow_single_tap: bool | None
Indicate whether the terminal allow one single tap for a contactless transaction followed by a PIN entry if the contactless transaction is refused

Type: bool

property card_reading_capabilities: List[str] | None
Card reading capabilities of the terminal.

Type: list[str]

property cardholder_activated_terminal_level: str | None
Level of security for a terminal activated with the use of a card (Cardholder Activated Terminal)

Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) TerminalData[source]
property is_attended_terminal: bool | None
Indicate whether the terminal is attended or not

Type: bool

property pin_entry_capability: str | None
The capabilities of the terminal to enter the PIN
  • UNKNOWN : Unspecified or unknown

  • PRESENT : Terminal has PIN entry capability

  • ABSENT : Terminal does not have PIN entry capability

  • MPOS_SOFTWARE_BASED_PIN : Mobile POS with PIN entry capability

  • NOT_OPERATIVE : Terminal has PIN entry capability but PIN pad is not currently operative

Type: str

property terminal_id: str | None
The identifier of the terminal

Type: str

property terminal_location: str | None
The location of the terminal

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.three_d_secure.ThreeDSecure[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_ThreeDSecure__authentication_value': typing.Optional[str], '_ThreeDSecure__directory_server_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ThreeDSecure__eci': typing.Optional[str], '_ThreeDSecure__three_d_secure_type': typing.Optional[str], '_ThreeDSecure__version': typing.Optional[str]}
property authentication_value: str | None
MasterCard AAV in original base64 encoding or Visa, DinersClub, UnionPay or JCB CAVV in either hexadecimal or base64 encoding

Type: str

property directory_server_transaction_id: str | None
3D Secure 2.x directory server transaction ID

Type: str

property eci: str | None
Electronic Commerce Indicator
Value that indicates the level of authentication.
Contains different values depending on the brand.

Type: str

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ThreeDSecure[source]
property three_d_secure_type: str | None
3D Secure type used in the transaction

Type: str

to_dictionary() dict[source]
property version: str | None
3D Secure version

Type: str

class worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.transaction_data_for_dcc.TransactionDataForDcc[source]

Bases: DataObject

__annotations__ = {'_TransactionDataForDcc__amount': typing.Optional[worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData], '_TransactionDataForDcc__transaction_timestamp': typing.Optional[datetime.datetime], '_TransactionDataForDcc__transaction_type': typing.Optional[str]}
property amount: AmountData | None
Amount for the operation.

Type: worldline.acquiring.sdk.v1.domain.amount_data.AmountData

from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) TransactionDataForDcc[source]
to_dictionary() dict[source]
property transaction_timestamp: datetime | None
The date and time of the transaction

Type: datetime

property transaction_type: str | None
The transaction type

Type: str

class ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]

Bases: ApiResource

Ping client. Thread-safe.

__annotations__ = {}
__init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]
ping(context: CallContext | None = None) None[source]

Resource /services/v1/ping - Check API connection

See also





  • ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)

  • AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)

  • ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)

  • PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Acquiring platform, the Worldline Acquiring platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)

  • ApiException – if the Worldline Acquiring platform returned any other error

Indices and tables